Contact us – AS Italian olive oil
from Corleone

AS Antonino Scianni – Corleone olive oil

Producer of the original Italian extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed. We are a family business. We have been involved in organically growing olives in Corleone for many years. We guarantee the highest quality oil. We provide export of olive oil from Sicily to Poland.

Would you like to order our olive oil? Are there any questions we could answer? Please, feel free to contact us.

Włoska Oliwa z Corleone
Corleone po Polsku - blog o Sycylii

A trip around Sicily?

We invite you for a trip around sunny Sicily. Be sure to visit our Facebook profile “Corleone po polsku”.

Corleone is an atmospheric historic town in Sicily, marked by criminal activity, seen through the eyes of a Polish woman, Corleon’s wife.

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